Would you rather have: STATS or SERVERS?

As the title states, we would like to know what your thoughts are on our next development project. We have recently finished up two major development efforts and are looking towards the future. Below are the two options, so read them and reply/upvote the option you like best!

Option 1 - Website Phase 2 (2-4 weeks)
When we launched the new Performium.net website, we knew we'd be doing it in two phases. The first phase is what you are using right now, and contains most basic functionality we need. The second phase was designed to be the "fun phase" where we implement fun things like stats/leaderboards, integrated voting rewards, and more. In fact, a WHOLE LIST more.

  • Discord integration for ticket reminders / email for high priority tickets

  • Show voting rewards progress

  • Show voting reward goals

  • Create daily activity streak

  • Item resale market

  • Create gem store

  • Scratch off tickets / gem lotto

  • Staff & Builder Applications

  • Leaderboards for Server login, Voting, Minigames, Reputation, etc.

  • Option 2 - Mega SMP (6-10 weeks)
    I know your first thought is probably "Don't we already have a mega smp server?" Yes, but here's what this project is all about.

    Originally when Mega SMP was created the whole goal was to have a server that would have 4 worlds - A PVE world, a PVP world, a VIP world, and a Resource World that would be deleted/reset when each new minecraft version came out. The idea was to allow the player worlds to stay forever, and have a resource world that they could go to and get all the new blocks. However, this failed because of the massive changes from 1.12 to 1.13 and beyond. Recent versions of MC do allow us to do this, which is why we decided to revive this project.

    Here's a semi-complete list of features that the new Mega SMP would offer:
  • PVE, PVP, and VIP overworlds for players to explore and build together (redstone disabled)

  • Shared NETHER and END worlds that offer greater loot and resources

  • Personal Dungeon worlds that get generated from Dungeon Tokens

  • Personal player home worlds where players can build whatever they want while they wait in queue to access PVE, PVP, or VIP worlds (redstone enabled)

  • Ability to visit and explore other players personal worlds

  • Spawners 2.0 - a totally revamped mob spawner experience

  • Many more features to come

  • The idea of this server is to be the end-all be-all SMP server. It will offer PVP, PVE, personal worlds, dungeons, and so much more. The best part is that as new minecraft versions come out, we will be able to update the server. Now you will never have to worry about moving to a new server just to play the new version.

    Let us hear your thoughts!
    Leave a reply below with what you think, what you'd like to see, and which option we should set as our new development path. Obviously, as the only developer on the network, these projects will take a lot of time. That's why we want to see what you would like to have us work on next.

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